Sunday, August 07, 2005

Scooter Libby Was Judith Miller's Source

It would really suck to be sent to Federal prison when you have a name like Scooter, but it looks like that could happen now that Libby has apparently been identified as Judith Miller's source in the Plame TreasonGate Scandal. Armando at Kos wants Miller released now, but I hope that doesn't happen. In fact, I'm angry that Miller will only spend a few more weeks in jail, given the role she played in helping BushCo lie its way into Iraq. They should throw away the key. [Anyone who thinks that I'm being unfair -- i.e., that Miller's despicable behavior in the run-up to the Iraq Quagmire is unrelated to her role in the TraitorGate Scandal -- is not seeing the big picture here. It is all related, in my opinion. And even if it isn't related, I look at the time she's spending in jail now as a sort of cosmic justice.]

By the way, if you don't despise Judith Miller now, I promise that you will after reading this.

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