Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Right On

The time has come for the radical religious right to be referred to in these terms much more often. There has been a reluctance in the past to aggressively attack these people, but there is too much at stake now. In fact, I feel our crop of religious nut-jobs presents a far greater threat to this country than any group of Islamic fundamentalists ever could. Islamic fundamentalists, after all, do not hold high positions in our Federal government. Christian fundamentalists currently do. Countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia have problems with home-grown fundamentalism. The U.S. is no different.

Our religious extremists are not dangerous because of what they say and/or believe -- I'd fight to the death to preserve their freedom to speak their minds. [Well, maybe not to the death -- perhaps a near fatal wounding]. But Kos is right -- the problem stems from what these whackos are willing to do to force their cult-like beliefs into our laws and into the lives of the American people:

"Is there any doubt that the American Taliban has more in common with our Islamic fundamentalist enemies? They're cut from the same cloth -- the belief that a system of secular rules and laws must be replaced with 'God's laws.'

"And while the religions may be different, the core of them is not -- opposition to rival faiths, hostility to science, interference in people's private lives, control over women's bodies, an irrational belief in the supremacy of the male over female, militancy, anti-intellectualism and a rejection of logic, an unassailable belief in their own righteousness, and the deifying of certain unelectable, unaccountable individuals as 'spokesmen for god,' be it Pat Robertson or the Ayatollahs."



Martin said...

Well said. The only difference I can note between the Muslim and Christian fanatics is that the Muslims are notably more faithful (i.e. will blow themselves up), whereas we have no such luck with the Christians, who are apparently not so faithful as to seek martyrdom - although one can only hope.

Danimal said...

The main stream media has completely ignored the fact that the goals and desires of the American Taliban are no different than the real Taliban. They just use different methods...Eric Ruldolph aside. Based on their current power status, the American Taliban's methods are probably more effective. "God Bless America" is the same message as "Durka Durka, Muhammad Jihad." We're right because god says so. I wish god would hold a press conference in order to clarify all these inconsistencies.

Harold said...

Danimal said: "Based on their current power status, the American Taliban's methods are probably more effective. 'God Bless America' is the same message as 'Durka Durka, Muhammad Jihad.' We're right because god says so. I wish god would hold a press conference in order to clarify all these inconsistencies."

Sounds like a great idea for an Onion piece, Man.

Danimal said...

Already been done.

Danimal said...


Danimal said...

Martin said...

Durka durka, muhammad jihad! Me likea jerka jerka!

Sara said...

Harold said...

I was just a boy when the infidels came to my village in their Blackhawk helicopters. The infidels fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my goats were consumed by the fiery black liquid death. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the infidels were gone. It was on that day I put a jihad on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a jihad on you, too.

Blade said...

Here's an uplifting little anecdote from our fellow countrymen on the far, far, far right:

"I want to migrate and claim the gold of the Lord," said the 38-year-old oil company executive from Pennsylvania. "I want to replicate the statutes and the mores and the scriptures that the God of the Old Testament espoused to the world."

You can find the whole story about the Christian Exodus' plans to take over South Carolina for the lard Jaheezus here