Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm Liking This Trend

From Editor and Publisher:

It's a question from the press sure to be posed more and more as the months go on, directed at public officials who continue to support the Iraq war: If you believe in the cause so deeply, why aren't your own kids signing up? Most prominently, President Bush (through his press spokesmen) is now hearing it, but it's now trickling down to the congressional and state level.

Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, a strong backer of Bush policy in Iraq -- who has give sons age 24 to 35 -- heard the query yesterday, from a Boston Herald reporter. Romney, who has promoted National Guard recruitment, replied, a bit angrily, that he has not urged his own sons to enlist -- and isn't sure whether they would.

And on a related note, I have a question: Is the Iraq War Turning Ultra-Conservatives into Flaming Liberals? That question occurred to me after I watched this video.

In case you've never heard of Operation Yellow Elephant ("OYE"), its goal is to recruit College Republicans and Young Republicans to serve as infantry so that they can go to Iraq and fight in the war they so whole-heartedly support. In the above-referenced video, an hysterical exchange takes place between the OYE representative and a College Republican. The Republican actually berates the OYE Rep for not being (brace yourself) "sensitive" enough toward the people in their group who really want to go to Iraq but cannot serve because . . . .

Well, the young fascist doesn't really say why these people are incapable of serving (their families are too wealthy perhaps?), but my point is -- does this guy's presumably-Republican parents know he is talking this way? I mean -- when did right-winged Republicans ever give two shits about being sensitive toward anyone? Perhaps this guy was just being sarcastic, but he seemed pretty earnest to me on the video.

And while I'm on the subject, when did these right-wing extremists ever care about non-white people being repressed overseas? Hell, these people were absolutely livid when Clinton sent U.S. forces over to Kosovo to stop ethnic cleansing, yet for some reason they now get all weepy and choked up when it comes to all those poor Iraqis who were oppressed under Saddam's U.S.-assisted rule. In fact, these people are more than happy to spend hundreds of billions of U.S. tax dollars to help these poor, persecuted Iraqis. That sounds pretty liberal to me.

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