Monday, August 29, 2005

Did Chuck Hagel Really Earn Them Two Purple Hearts?

I think Viet Nam veteran/U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) should be prepared to defend himself on that issue, particularly if he continues to compare the Iraq Debacle to the Viet Nam War. There is no way in hell those Swift Boat bastards (aka Karl Rove) will tolerate much more talk like that from Hagel. He's already taking some heat from radical right wingers such as these folks and this idiot.

My Dad suggested yesterday that the GOP might decide to run an anti-War candidate for president in order to neutralize what is sure to be major issue for the Democrats in 2008. Whether that happens will depend a lot on what occurs in the 2006 mid-terms, but it does appear that Hagel is positioning himself to be that candidate. I liked his move last week of meeting with his advisors and political contributors to discuss a possible run as an independent in 2008.

Hagel was clearly sending a signal to the G.O.P. that he is more than willing to cause a split in the Republican vote much like Perot did in 1992, unless the party supports his candidacy in 2008. And why not make a move like this. Despite its dream of becoming America's "dominant" party, the G.O.P. is so far out of the mainstream right now (think Terri Schiavo) that moderates like Hagel don't really fit in anymore. Perhaps the G.O.P. learned a lesson from the Jim Jeffords disaster, but I doubt it. Remember -- radical Republicans are never wrong on anything.

Anyway, it will be very interesting to watch all this unfold. Hagel appears to be a common-sense type of guy who doesn't like what his party is becoming, which means he has about as much of a chance of getting the GOP nomination in 2008 as does Rev. Al Sharpton. After all, the American Taliban controls the Republican Party these days, at least at the local levels, and there is no way these radical religious whackos would ever agree to support someone like Hagel. That's why his candidacy as an independent is so intriguing -- he's moderate enough to win a substantial number of Democratic votes, and Republicans who have grown tired of what their party has become would probably turn out for an independent Hagel in droves.


Harold said...

I wouldn't be surprised that he got some help -- after all, he is a moderate Senator from Nebraska. Something is not right there.

Anonymous said...

You are a typical name calling liberal with no ideas at all. You just name call like little kids do. You have all the answers? Where in your blog did you call for the Feds to help people in New Orleans BEFORE the hurricane hit? You didn't because no one could have forecasted it. People like you have destroyed the Democratic Party...and have guaranteed the Republicans to be in office for the next 20 years.