Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Could This Be One of the Seven Signs of the Apocalypse?

Armstrong Williams wants the U.S. out of Iraq (and yes, I'm pretty sure this is legit and not some sort of satire). Of course, Williams couldn't help but blast the previous Administration on the way to his flip-flop [is it ok to call it a flip-flop when a Radical Right-Winger like Williams does it, or should it be called a "sincere change of heart" instead?].

Now that I think about it, however, it is very possible that Williams is still doing the Bush Regime's bidding and wrote this article at the request of the White House. He has certainly done things like this before, and was paid well for his efforts. It seems clear to me, given BushCo's recent admission that its expectations were unrealistic when it invaded Iraq, that Bush wants to start pulling out of Iraq before the 2006 mid-term elections. Williams is apparently helping Bush set the stage for that withdrawal.

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