"I opened a club, and really got great credit for it. No discrimination against African-Americans, against Muslims, against anybody. And it's a tremendously successful club. And I'm so glad I did it. And I have been given great credit for what I did. And I'm very, very proud of it. And that's the way I feel. That is the true way I feel."-- Donald Trump, patting himself on the back during Monday's debate for not discriminating against people at a Palm Beach club he opened.
"You want to know the truth, I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family and I said to myself, I can't do it. I just can't do it."-- Donald Trump, near the end of the debate, praising himself for not bringing up Bill Clinton's PenisGate Scandal.
"He’s gotten very little credit for how gracious he was at the beginning and end of the debate. At the very beginning ― and nobody is covering this ― he actually said, ‘Secretary Clinton,’ and then he looked over and he said, ‘May ... should I call you Secretary Clinton? I want you to be happy -- this is very important to me.’”-- Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway, noting that Trump did not call his opponent "Crooked Hillary" during the debate and instead decided to merely patronize her.
"I'm really proud of him for doing that and I think a lot of people recognize that. I mean, a lot of people came up to me, including many of the media, saying, 'Listen, he could've just crushed her on that last question and he probably would've hurt a family if he did.' That was a big moment for me ... and probably something I'll always remember and he really took the high ground when he had the opportunity to go very, very low, and I'm proud of him for doing that."-- Eric Trump, praising his father for not bringing up Bill Clinton's marital infidelities during a debate with Bill Clinton's wife.
UPDATE: As an aside, I really do think that Trump not bringing up Bill Clinton's infidelities during the debate was the result of a compromise within the Trump Campaign. I think Donald probably wanted to bring it up, but Kellyanne Conway and others within the campaign did not want him to do so, given the fact that Trump famously cheated on one of his former wives. A compromise was apparently reached in that Trump agreed not to directly mention it so long as he could indirectly refer to it during the debate and his campaign would subsequently praise him for not directly mentioning it during the debate.