Monday, December 13, 2010

Quote Of The Century

From Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah):
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today applauded the decision by U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson in Virginia that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority in mandating that every American purchase health insurance or face a fine.

“Today is a great day for liberty,” said Hatch. “Congress must obey the Constitution rather than make it up as we go along. Liberty requires limits on government, and today those limits have been upheld.”
Two problems with this quote: (1) fourteen other judges have upheld this provision, and (2) Orrin Hatch (are you ready for this) actually supported a bill that would have required an individual mandate.

Isn't it great to be a Republican? You can pretty much say or do whatever you want, and nobody in the so-called liberal media will ever call you on it. If a Democrat pulled a flip-flop of this magnitude, you'd never hear the end of it from FoxNews.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Palin Even Sucks At Hunting

"Sarah Palin took shots at a caribou on her TLC reality show; now critics are taking aim at Palin's hunting skills," the Wall Street Journal reports.

"A piece on The Awl pointed out several rookie mistakes that Palin apparently made during a hunting trip with her father that she filmed for Sarah Palin's Alaska. Among them was Palin's failure to sight her rifle before shooting and not personally loading shells into the gun she used. PETA is predictably responding negatively to the hunting footage as well."

Of course, Palin's performance as a hunter "would likely not be an issue if she hadn't touted her hunting experience in previous interviews."

Look, how hard is it to find a hunting expert up in Alaska to tell you how to do it right. It would be one thing if this was the first hunting trip that she'd even been on, but Christ -- she's held herself out as being the greatest hunter evah.