Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Joe Half-Rack Signing Off

I'm joking. I'm not riding into the sunset as a political blogger -- not yet (sorry Anonymous -- I hope you're not too depressed right now and that your move to Haiti goes OK).

I think the next few months are going to be some of the more interesting months in our nation's history, politically speaking, so I'm going to stick around as a political blogger for a little while longer.

I'm curious to see how the Republicans respond to what looks to be an Obama Electoral College Landslide. Will they continue to obstruct, or will they decide that cooperation and compromise are preferable to going off the Fiscal Cliff? Will the Akin and Mourdock defeats finally convince the GOP to break away from the American Taliban?  Or will the Republican Party move even further to the right and commit politcal suicide in the process.

Anyway, we'll get at least some answers to these questions in the coming months.  But right now, I am glad this election is over and that Obama won handily.  And I'm also happy that Donald Trump is really pissed off tonight.  I like that.


Danimal said...

I think the American Taliban will continue to be a problem in the House. They've proven they can't win statewide or national elections, but they can always win 2 to 1 in fringe districts. The question is whether the mainstream Republican party will turn on them and start really outspending and running against them in the primaries. Democrats can't beat them on their turf, it will have to come from inside the party.

FYI - your "prove your a human thing is the worst" it's a wonder anybody comments on here.

Harold said...

OK, I think I disabled the word verification thing.

RE: the American Taliban, the only low point for me from last night is that Bachmann won (barely). A huge bummer.

Fredrick said...

Hey, I don't say anything but I come to your blog at least twice a month. So I vote for your continuance.

Lisa said...

I am with Fredrick. I love reading your blog. Where is your troll now I wonder, packing his bags for Haiti?

Harold said...

Wow, I disable the word verification and get two comments right away.

Not sure where troll is. I hope he comes back.

Danimal said...

Oh man Bachmann losing just would have been beautiful. And it was close. I might have liked that better than Obama winning...ok, maybe not. She can have her tiny corner of bumfuck Minnesota. But still, that would have just been too perfect.

Danimal said...

Oh and I think there were two low points for you last night - another being a certain "green" ballot measure failing?

corner wine racks said...

Awesome post, I want to check out a couple of your other messages. Thank you!