Thursday, December 24, 2015

Schlongazi: A Sequel To Trump's "Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever" Scandal

In case you missed it, Donald Trump is in a bit of trouble over his use of a certain word:
Two days after saying that Hillary Clinton got "schlonged" in her 2008 Democratic primary loss to Barack Obama, Trump tweeted that "once again" the mainstream media is being "dishonest. "'Schlonged' is not vulgar. When I said Hillary got 'schlonged' that meant beaten badly."
I thought this was pure genius on Trump's part. Not too long ago, Trump got in trouble for saying that Megyn Kelly was so mad at him that "blood was coming out of her . . . wherever." Of course, his numbers actually went up after that remark, so it didn't hurt him at all, in part because he was able to say that he did not mean that Kelly was menstruating but only that  she was bleeding from some other orifice.

The Schlongazi "Scandal" is very similar to the Bleeding-Gate "Scandal" in that Trump is able to say he wasn't actually referring to a Black man (Obama) raping a white woman (Hillary), but he was simply saying that it meant Obama beat Hillary badly in 2008.  This is dog-whistling at its absolute best.  The radicalized GOP base loved the comment because it was simultaneously racist and misogynist.

I can't believe I am saying this, but it looks like Trump might actually win the GOP nomination, which is exactly what the Democrats want to happen.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Good Digby Piece On Trump and The Right Wing Echo Chamber

Digby published a piece at Salon today about how Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the right-wing talk machine doesn't quite know what to do with Trump.  On the one hand, they like all of Trump's neo-fascist rhetoric.  But as Digby points out, they do not like it when Trump goes after Bagger-darling Ted Cruz and his "destroy government from within" agenda:
This was illustrated in living color this week when, after all the demented statements Trump has made over the past few months, the thing that finally evoked a rebuke from every talk show host from Ingraham to Beck to Levin to Limbaugh was his criticism of Cruz “acting like a maniac” in Congress, and insisting that you can’t get things done that way. Trump clearly didn’t understand that he had just spit on the conservative movement’s most valued and cherished tactic, the energetic implementation of which they most admire about Ted Cruz. You can say what you want about torture and ethnic cleansing and war crimes. You can trash talk Washington politicians all night long. But you simply do not criticize conservative movement strategy. That is, by definition, RINO talk.
Anyway, fun times ahead.