Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Quote of the Week

"I've had some radical ideas about voting and it's probably not a good time to tell them, but you used to have to be a property owner to vote."
- Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), speaking at a Baptist Church during his 2012 Congressional campaign.

Yes, Ted Yoho is the very same idiot who also stated that breaching the debt ceiling would "bring stability to the world markets."

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

This Is Exactly How You Treat An America-Hating Radical Right-Winger

I'm still laughing over this one.

The incident in question occurred late last month when Willamette Week was interviewing Oregon GOP Senate candidates as a group to determine which Republican it would endorse in the primary.  Mark Callahan, whose website states that he is "cut from the same cloth" as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, was one of the GOP candidates present at the meeting. The following exchange occurred about an hour into the process:
"You want to talk about disrespect," Callahan said, * * * after spotting reporter Nigel Jaquiss scribbling in a notebook while another candidate, Joe Rae Perkins, gave an answer via a speakerphone. "I see what you’re writing down there. You just wrote down 'blah blah blah blah blah' for everything that Jo Rae said. Jo Rae is a respectable woman. Why are you not respecting her by writing 'blah blah blah blah blah' on your notepad?"

No one tried to deny that Jaquiss had in fact written "blah blah blah" in his notebook. The moderator tried to move things along by asking Callahan whether he believed climate change was a myth or reality.

"It's a myth," Callahan said.

Jaquiss then chimed in. "Where are you on the Easter Bunny?" Jaquiss asked.
And if that wasn't enough to put a permanent smile on my face, then the comment from one of the Willamette Week staffers that "[t]his is neither a fair or balanced meeting" completely did, especially given that they kicked Callahan out of the room immediately thereafter.

This is exactly how Baggers must be treated.  These radical right wingers routinely disrespect our government, the American people, and the country. They intentionally tried to destroy the U.S. economy.  People like that must be ridiculed at every opportunity.  The Media have failed to do this, and that is why we get shit like that recent debate on Meet The Press on whether climate change is real.

Anyway, was the Willamette Week dust-up as good as Karl Rove melting down when Fox News declared Obama the winner in 2012?  No.  Of course not.  Nothing could ever top that.

But it was almost as good.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

This Is A Real Quote -- I Swear!

"Tomorrow, President Obama is going to do interviews with meteorologists all across the country about a new climate change report.  I hope they ask him about Benghazi[!!]."
-- Fox News host Dana Perino.

You can watch it here if you don't believe me.

Friday, May 02, 2014

It's Back! (With Update)

And by "it," I - of course - mean Benghazi!:
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) intends to form a select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi[!] attacks, he announced Friday."[T]he House will vote to establish a new select committee to investigate the attack, provide the necessary accountability, and ensure justice is finally served," the Speaker said in a statement.
I was afraid that Benghazi!, my favorite fake scandal of all time, was about to go away and never come back.  But it looks like Benghazi! will be around for quite awhile now.

Benghazi! forever!!!!

UPDATE:  Ed Kilgore on why this particular fake scandal is here to stay:
Of all the “Obama scandals," Benghazi! is the only one in which Hillary Clinton can conceivably be implicated or even mentioned. No wonder that more than nineteen months after the events of September 11, 2012, Republicans are still pouring over emails and trying to make this the Mother of All Scandals. Hell, they may yet try to make this an impeachable offense, so seductive is the idea of nullifying the 2012 elections while tilting the board for 2016 as well, striking at the “The One” even as they pull a few points off the approval ratings for the past and future Red Queen they’ve been hating for so many years. So tedious as it may seem, “smoking guns” or not, the only thing that could possibly make Benghazi! go away before November 8, 2016, would be a declaration of non-candidacy by Hillary Clinton. Our little elephant friends just won’t be able to help themselves, bless their hearts.